They start with a player showing how much money they have. It's usually somewhere between $100 & $500. I'm going to describe one that I saw recently where the better has 4 green $25 dollar chips.
All bets are $25 each, and on 2 of the 3 sections of the roulette layout. The section bets cover 12 numbers each, 1 through 12, 13 througH 24 and. 25 to 36. These section bets pay 2 to 1, plus you keepyour initial bet. The video advises that you pick 2 of the 3.
Your other two bets are called column bets abd are at the bottom of the layout. They start with the 1, 2 or 3 and run down the layout, ending with 34, 35 and 36. Just like section bets, they pay 2 to 1, plus you keepyour initial bet.Again, pick two of the three columns.
So now you have 4 bets for $25 each, each of which pays 2 to 1 (or 3 FOR 1, in total). You have 24 of the 36 numbers covered by section and also 24 of the 36 numbers covered by columns. You cannot win all for bets. The most you can win is 2 of the 4, which would leave you with a $100 payout, or $150 cash in hand after one spin, a $50 profit. You can also win only one of the bets,of you happen to hit only one column and then miss on the section, or vice versa. That would leave you with $75, a $25 loss from what you started with. (All of this doesn't include the 0 or 00 numbers, but we'll get to that in a second.)
The video percenter will then point out that you have approximately an 85% chance of hitting something which leads you to believe that you replay could do quite well with this system The ball is then spun and when the number comes up it will inevitably hit both one of the sections and one of the columns, giving the player a $50 profit. The player will even say to you the they're only 6 numbers that will lose you all your money, 0, 00 and the 4 numbers not covered by both the column or section bets. I guess they're doing that to be :honest".
But they're not, and it comes down to the 0 and 0 0. For columns and dozens, the bet covers 12 numbers (out of 38) which means that the odds of hitting it are 31.58%. So the odds are less than 1 in 3, but you're only getting 2 to 1. That's a huge house advantage.
And it's why you should avoid strategy like this.. The people making the video will never show you that they lose everything when the 0/00 comes up, or the 4 numbers not covered. That would not fit their narrative very well, would it?
So in conclusion, take this gaming "advice" with a grain of salt. It might work for 1 or 2 rolls, but it certainly not a good long term strategy.
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